Say no to: The asteraceae family, which includes: artemesia, asters, dahlias, daisies, Gerber daisies, chamomile, chrysanthemums, utica and some breeds of sunflowers.
Solutions and alternatives: azalea, begonia, bougainvillea, camellia, chenille, clematis, columbine, crocus, cyclamen, daffodil, dianthus, geranium, hibiscus, hydrangea, heuchera, impatiens, iris, lilac, lily, lupin, orchid, pansy, penstemon, periwinkle petunia, phlox, rose, salvia, sedum, snapdragon, thrift, verbena, viola and zinnia. Whew! — told you there were plenty.
Many spring bulbs are also very low in pollen, including crocus, daffodils, hyacinth and tulips.
Dioecious trees include ash, boxelder, cedar, cottonwood, juniper, mulberry and yew. If you select or happen to have a male plant you may have problems.
Avoid: alder, ash (male), aspen (male), beech, birch, box elder (male), cedar (male), cottonwood (male), white/American elm, hickory, red and silver maples (male), mulberry (male), oak, olive, palm (male), pecan, pine, Phoenix palm, platanus, poplar (male), sycamore, walnut, willow (male) and yew.
Sure-fire solutions for an allergy-free garden: ash (female), apple, double-flowered cherry, Chinese fan palm (female), dogwood, fern pine (female), English holly (female), fir, Bradford pear, crepe myrtle, hardy rubber tree, magnolia, red maple (female; especially the autumn glory cultivar), yellow poplar, spruce and flowering plum.
Ground-cover alternatives: Plant St. Augustine if you want grass in your yard but can’t handle other varieties. If you are allergic to grass, consider replacing it with a ground cover like vinca, geranium, dichondra or Irish moss that doesn’t produce much pollen. Wear a face mask if you do have to mow or ask someone else to do the job. You might consider replacing your lawn with artificial turf altogether.
low allergy plants such as deciduous fruit trees, most roses and many other brightly colored flowers, none of which produce large amounts of airborne pollen. Identification of female trees may be impossible unless purchased as large specimens during their flowering season.
Plant these
* Flowers: Large, brightly coloured flowers are best, e.g. snapdragon, cornflower, petunia, nasturtium, pansy.
* Grasses: Most types of couch produce pollen, except Greenlees Park couch. Or, opt for buffalo or native grasses.
* Ground covers: These usually have few weeds, don't need mulching - which stirs up mould spores - and often mean less lawn, e.g. juniper, French lavender, snow-in-summer, variegated periwinkle.
* Climbers: These are a good alternative to hedges, which can cause problems for people with allergies because they collect spores and dust, e.g. Chinese gooseberry, Chilean jasmine, potato vine, crismson passionflower, passionfruit, ivy leaf, and geranium.
* Herbs: Few create pollen or cause skin trouble, e.g. dill, fennel, mint, basil, marjoram, oregano, parsley, thyme.
* Trees: Lillipilli, peppermint tree, paw paw, citrus trees, kentia palm.
* Grasses: Most types of couch produce pollen, except Greenlees Park couch. Or, opt for buffalo or native grasses.
* Ground covers: These usually have few weeds, don't need mulching - which stirs up mould spores - and often mean less lawn, e.g. juniper, French lavender, snow-in-summer, variegated periwinkle.
* Climbers: These are a good alternative to hedges, which can cause problems for people with allergies because they collect spores and dust, e.g. Chinese gooseberry, Chilean jasmine, potato vine, crismson passionflower, passionfruit, ivy leaf, and geranium.
* Herbs: Few create pollen or cause skin trouble, e.g. dill, fennel, mint, basil, marjoram, oregano, parsley, thyme.
* Trees: Lillipilli, peppermint tree, paw paw, citrus trees, kentia palm.
In general, ornamental trees with showy flowers and fruit trees – such as jacaranda, southern magnolia, flowering pear and peach, apple, lemon and orange – are not allergenic.
Succulents are an allergy-sufferer’s dream. Not only are cacti easy to keep and drought-resistant, but you’ll have no plant pollen worries with them. While the vision of a cactus garden might sound unappealing and remind you of barren dessert, flowering cactus can be quite showy and provide bright color. There are also plenty of interesting shapes and sizes to give your garden interest.
Plant these: Other flowers that are less likely to cause a bout of sneezing include doubled flowers like the double chrysanthemums which often have no pollen. Begonia, azalea, dahlia, gladiolas, iris, marigolds, crocus, poppies and tulips are all quite low in pollen and therefore hold less risk of triggering a Hay Fever or asthma attack than spring blooming plants like oak and birch.
Avoid these
* Flowers: The Asteraceae famliy are high in pollen, i.e. daisies, chrysanthemums, calendulas, asters, and marigolds. If it's hairy, spiky or has a milky sap, steer clear!
* Grasses: All except those mentioned above - and get out and about and back inside early, as most pollens are released for around two hours at sunrise and two hours in the middle of the day.
* Trees: Maple, alder, birch, cypress, ash, walnut, olive, plane tree, elm, oak, silver birch.
* Weeds: Plantain, pellitory (aka "the asthma weed"), Paterson's curse, ragweed.
* Grasses: All except those mentioned above - and get out and about and back inside early, as most pollens are released for around two hours at sunrise and two hours in the middle of the day.
* Trees: Maple, alder, birch, cypress, ash, walnut, olive, plane tree, elm, oak, silver birch.
* Weeds: Plantain, pellitory (aka "the asthma weed"), Paterson's curse, ragweed.
Avoid: Many of our most common trees are wind-pollinated, including ash, birch, elder, hazel, horse chestnut, oak, plane, sycamore, willow and yew. All produce huge clouds of pollen in early summer.
Low allergy plants;
Ground Cover
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Carpobrotus edulisIce Plant (Ice Plant)
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Convolvulus cneorum (Bush Morning Glory)
Toxic if eaten
Convolvulus mauritanicus (Ground Morning Glory)
Toxic if eaten
Dalea greggii (Trailing Indigo Bush)
Small gray-green leaves, purple flowers
Gazania rigens (Treasure Flower, Gazania)
Yellow daisy-like flowers
Gazania rigens 'Copper King' (Copper King Gazania)
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Gazania rigens leucolaena (Trailing Gazania)
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Lantana montevidensis (Trailing Lantana)
Lavender flowers
Oenothera berlandieri (speciosa childsii) (Mexican Evening Primrose)
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Osteospermum fruticosum (Trailing African Daisy)
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Rosa banksiae (Lady Banks Rose, Tombstone Rose)
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Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' (Dwarf or Trailing Rosemary)
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Teucrium chamaedrys (Germander, Prostrate Germander)
Begonia - can it handle hot sun?